Kapha Dosha Treatment in Wellness Center Hubballi Cupping Therapy

Cup Therapy, also Known as Cupping Therapy, is an Ancient Healing Practice that Involves Placing Cups on the Skin to Create Suction. This Technique is Believed to Promote Healing and Relaxation by Increasing Blood Flow, Reducing Inflammation and Releasing Muscle Tension. The Cups can be made from a Variety of Materials, such as Glass, Bamboo or Silicone. And are Placed on Specific Areas of the Body based on the Individual's Needs

Cup Therapy has Gained Popularity in Recent Years as a Non-Invasive and Gentle Treatment for a Variety of Physical and Mental Conditions, Including Pain, Respiratory Issues and Stress. While Cup Therapy is Generally Safe, it is Important to Seek the Guidance of a Trained Therapist to Ensure that it is Appropriate for your Individual Needs

Cupping Therapy in Hubali Cupping Treatment