Stomach, Kidney & Heart Points Acupressure - Stomach, Adrenal & Pancreas Points

Acupressure is a Healing Technique that Involves Applying Pressure to Specific Points on the Body. This Practice is Based on the Principles of Traditional Indian Medicine and helps to Promote the Free Flow of Energy, throughout the Body, Physical, Mental and Emotional Balance. Acupressure is often used to Relieve Pain, Reduce Stress and Promote Relaxation. It is Considered a Safe and Natural Form of Therapy that can be Performed by a Trained Therapist or Learned and Practiced at Home for Self-care

Some Common Acupressure Points Include the Base of the Skull, Space Between the Eyebrows, Webbing between the Thumb, Index Finger and the Center of the Breastbone. Each Point helps to have a Specific Effect on the Body, Acupressure can be used to Treat a Wide Range of Physical and Mental Health Conditions, Including Headaches, Back Pain, Anxiety and Insomnia

Acupressure Therapy Acupressure Therapy - Pressure Points from base to skull